Monday, June 15, 2015

Haul: Candles, Makeup Storage, and more!

Hello everybody!
I don't think I've ever done a homeware kind of haul, so I thought this would be fun. 

I've never really been a candle person, but after watching Zoe for over three years (I think), I'm starting to catch her candle obsession. I haven't bought a crazy amount of candles like her, but more than I used to (which was 0).

The first two were actually birthday presents from Riv.

(Bath & Body Works x)

(Bath & Body Works x)

Right now there's a sale, so they're currently $11.25, but they're usually $22.50

I've been burning Sundress recently and I've found that the candle actually smells stronger when it's not lit. So instead of lighting it, I just leave the lid off. 

I bought Magnolia at Marshalls for $5.99 and I'm totally in love with the smell. It smells a lot like tea.

Makeup Storage:

I needed a place to put my makeup in a somewhat organized fashion. So I bought this from Amazing Savings for $2.99:
(Similar x/x)

Okay, so it's not exactly organized... but it's better than just lying around, scattered all over the place. 

(Michael's x)

I've seen a lot of people use mason jars to hold their makeup brushes and I just think it looks so cool!
I actually really want the painted mason jars you see on etsy (x), but this is way cheaper. I bought two from Michael's for $1.99 each.

I have been looking for this kind of bag for ages. The first one that I really wanted to buy was a white lace one from Icing. Unfortunately, I didn't buy and have never found one that I love as much. But this one is close.

So that's my haul. I would love to buy more candles and makeup storage things, so if you have any recommendations, please leave a comment below. 

Just a heads up, next week's post is going to be a lot shorter than usual, as I will be in D.C. and studying for finals at the same time. 

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!

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