Hello everybody!
First of all, I'm so sorry for missing last Sunday's and last Wednesday's post. I've been kind of busy and trying to sort out my life, basically....
I was debating between uploading pictures from Canada and writing an OOTD post. I feel like I haven't done an OOTD post in a while, but at the same time, I said I would upload pictures from Canada.
I just feel like I started this blog with fashion and beauty in mind, but I've moved away from that recently. I know that this is my blog and I'm allowed to post whatever I want on here... but at the same time, I feel pressured to go back to what I started with....
So to sort of balance between random posts and fashion/beauty and to celebrate my blog's one year birthday, I came up with a crazy idea. Okay, I can't take all the credit, I got this idea from Anna Saccone x.
Basically, I'm going to be posting five days a week, but they're going to be short posts. Anna does Mommy Monday, Beauty Tuesday, What I Ate Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Fashion Friday.
I'm going to change it up a bit and do Music Monday, Beauty Tuesday, What I Ate Wednesday, Random Thursday, and Fashion Friday.
So here's what you can expect:
Music Monday: This will basically be the "Song on Repeat" for the week. Just so you know, there might be a lot of Mandarin music since I've been watching this Taiwanese drama and loving the soundtrack.
Beauty Tuesday: I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do here. Maybe put up some reviews on some products or show you my skin care routine. We'll see.
What I Ate Wednesday: It's pretty self explanatory, I'm going to show you the foods I ate in one day.
Random Thursday: This is where I'll post pictures from whatever trips I take or book reviews.
Fashion Friday: Here is where my OOTD posts will appear. Yay, they're finally coming back!
I'm going to (hopefully) follow this schedule for the month of August. I know what you're thinking... Claudia.. you can barely post once a week.... five times a week???
Yeah.... wish me luck....
Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!