Saturday, September 27, 2014

OOTD: It's Officially Autumn!

Hello everybody!
Summer's over and it's officially autumn! You know what this means: bipolar weather! It's so cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. I haven't actually been dressing for fall weather lately, more like winter. I've already broken out the sweaters. (What?!) Yeah, I'm crazy. So here an outfit that I think is good for fall weather. When it's cold in the morning, you can wear long sleeves and when it's warm in the afternoon, you can take the top layer off.

 (Charlotte Russe x)

(Forever 21; similar x/x)

(Forever 21; similar: x/x/x)

(Steve Madden; similar: x/x/x)

(The bottom is just leggings)

I hope you liked this autumn look. There are so many exciting things happening in fall, like the PSATs and SATs (yay...). Good luck to anyone taking them! What are some of your fall essentials? I'd really like to know!

On a much sadder note, I'd like to pay my respect to Chubby, Riv's hamster, who died last night. You will be missed, Chubs. 

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!
Twitter: x
Instagram: x

Sunday, September 21, 2014

OOTD: It's Still Summer!

Hello everybody!
Fall is coming! I am not excited about it because the weather is getting colder and I hate being cold. I'm still trying to pretend it summer in my head, even though it's freezing in the morning. 
Here's an outfit that's still kind of summer-ish:

I really like the top; it's very sweater like, but it's short sleeved. I also like the little button on the sleeve. 

(Forever 21)
I couldn't really find any similar tops, but any white shirt will do. You can also wear a necklace with this. I would recommend gold jewelry to match the boots.

You might recognize the skirt from one of my previous posts (Outfit Ideas: Picnic). 

(Cotton On; similar: x/x/x)

(Steve Madden; similar: x/x/x)

I hope you liked this outfit! Fall starts in two days: what are some of your favorite things about fall? 
Sorry about the delay, but I've been super busy this week and haven't had time to breathe. Saturday was quite hectic! I had work, then an acupuncture appointment, and then a volleyball tournament; I was out nearly the whole day. Next week should be a lot calmer since I only have three days of school! Thank you Jewish holidays!

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!
Twitter: x
Instagram: x

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Top 5 Favorite Nail Polishes

Hello everybody!
Two posts in a week? Wow, I'm on a roll!
I didn't really start getting into makeup until last year and since then I've been slowly building up my makeup collection. I don't wear makeup on a daily basis since I'd rather sleep in an extra ten minutes than try to look nice for people I don't really care about (I mean school). My best friend has been rubbing off on me like mad: she got me into buying lots of nail polish. Here are five of my favorite nail polishes:
From left to right: 
Wet n Wild Wild Shine in Burgundy Frost (412A) 
Cover Girl Outlast Stay Brilliant in Lav-endure (145) 
Essie in A List (472)
Nicole by OPI in I Sea You And Raise You (NI 413)
Rimmel 60 Seconds in Mintilicious (210)

 I was completely obsessed with Burgundy Frost last fall/winter and used it quite a lot. It's such a nice fall/winter color and I can't wait to use it this year! (x)

I got Lav-endure for my birthday this year and I love the color! It's such a pretty lavender color but since the color is so light, it requires a few coats to get the color right.  (x)

I love red nail polishes; they just look so sophisticated. I don't like spending much on nail polishes, but I make exceptions for Essie. Wearing A List makes me feel like an A list celebrity (haha, just kidding). (x) If you want to see the color, it's in the 6th row and 7th from the right.

I got I Sea You And Raise You recently and absolutely fell in love with the color. The blue is gorgeous! (x)

I love Rimmel 60 Seconds because it dries really fast. However, if you put a really thick coat or a million coats at once, don't expect it to dry in a minute. This color doesn't need many coats, just one or two, so it dries pretty fast. (x)

Overall, these nail polishes were picked for their colors and easy use. What are some of your favorite nail polishes? I'd love to try out new ones! Also, leave a comment below if you want to see how I do my nails. 

I don't think I have ever mentioned this in a post, but I created a twitter and instagram account for this blog. They're both @cloudyethereal. You may have noticed them on the right side of the blog. If you want to be the first to know about new posts, go ahead and follow this blog on twitter. I will also try to tweet more random things on that account as well. Feel free to talk to me there!
Also, I have another Song on Repeat. In case you didn't notice, if you click on the picture, it leads you to Youtube where you can listen to the song.

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!
Twitter: x
Instagram: x

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Liebster Award

Hello everybody!
I've been nominated for a Liebster Award. I would like to thank Tara (x) and Brett (x) for nominating me. Go check out their blogs!
The Liebster Award is kind of like a chain letter, but there's no threat at the end like you will die in five days if you don't pass this on. (Do you remember chain letters? I always thought they were so annoying.) It is questions asked by bloggers to bloggers. It's meant to promote small blogs and, hopefully, bring more traffic to your blog. 

Here are the questions Tara asked me:

1. What is your ambition in life?

My ambition is to get into a decent college and find a job I like afterwards. Boring, right? But I'm at the point in my life where I'm not really sure what I want in life. Well, I just want to sleep and eat, but sadly, I can't do that all day. I love doing a bunch of other things, like writing and blogging, but I know I can never make a living out of them so they're just hobbies.

2. If you could only go to one place/country before you die, where would it be?

That is such a hard question. I love traveling and seeing new places (I haven't seen much though). Can I cheat and say the Eastern Hemisphere? That's one place, right? (One giant place.) But in all seriousness, I think I would have to say the UK. I am obsessed British things and people. Most of the YouTubers I watch live in England and they're always talking about the places they love. I NEED to go there before I die.

3. What is one item that you cannot go without?

Other than absolute necessities, I would have to say my laptop. I have everything in it and I use it all the time. It's such a struggle when I have to leave it for a whole entire day. #firstworldproblems

4. What is your favourite colour and why?

I have two favorite colors: pink and purple. I think I've always loved pink because it's such a pretty and pleasant color. I find it very calming, unless it's an obnoxious neon pink. I like purple because I also find it calming.

5. Do you have any pets?

No, but I used to own two parakeets. Their names were Lola and Azul. Lola was named after a random store I saw while driving through New York right after I got them and Azul was named after his blue belly. They died a few years ago, but I wasn't too attached to them. I would love to get a kitten or a puppy when I move to my own place. They're absolutely adorable!

6. If life had an undo button, what would you undo? 

I would undo my freshman and sophomore year in high school. I just want to start over again. If I could start over again I would try harder and pick my classes more carefully. I just feel like my first two years in high school were a mess (academically, not socially).

7. What makes you different from everyone else?

That's a question I'm always asking myself. I'm not the best at anything or the worst at anything. I would like to say my personality, but there's really nothing that I can think of that really makes me stand out. 

8. If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Water because it's essential to life. That's the logical answer; the fun answer would be some sort of Starbucks drink. A Java Chip Frappuccino or a Caramel Macchiato.

9. Your favourite film?

That's a hard one. I think it would either be Clueless or Mean Girls. They're just classics; I could watch them a million times and never get tired of them. 

10. If somebody made a film about your life, who would you want to play you? 

I don't know many Asian actresses, so I had to google this. They look nothing like me and are a million times prettier then me. I would like to have Jamie Chung (x) play me as a teenager/young adult and Kelly Hu (x) or Ming-Na Wen (x) play older me. They're absolutely amazing and they've each been in one of my favorite TV shows.

11. How would you describe yourself?

I'm very quiet in public, but around my friends and family, I'm really loud. I like listening to other people talk more than I like talking. I'm a master procrastinator but I can also get jobs done efficiently if I need to. I can be really stubborn sometimes. I try to be realistic and not give myself false hope, but I get my hopes up from time to time.

Here are the questions Brett asked me:

1. Have you ever had an experience with a "fake friend"?

I'm a very closed person so I pick and choose my friends carefully, so no, I haven't. Lucky me, I guess.

2. If you had to be any animal, what would it be?

I would like to be a cat. I would get to sleep all day and no one cares. If I'm fat, it's okay too!

3. Do you have at least one person who you think actually knows you?

I think I'm very lucky to have a close relationship with my sister. We tell each other everything. I also have two other friends that I share everything with.

4. What is the ideal birthday present for your best friend?

That's easy: a gift card she can use to buy books. No doubt about it. I've been giving her the same birthday present for years now. (Yes, I'm talking about you, Riv.)

5. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

I would love to live in England. It's absolutely beautiful there and I love the history there too. Only problem is, I'm not a fan of English weather. I hate the rain and I hate the cold. I know England isn't Antarctica, but the temperatures don't go up that high either. I will not go to the beach unless it's over 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). I'm weird.

6. If you could marry a celebrity, who would it be?

This is probably the hardest question ever. I have way to many celebrity crushes. I cannot just pick one; I'm not picking a favorite. But some choices would be: One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, Dylan O'Brien, and Joe Sugg.

7. What is a reoccurring nightmare, i.e. showing up to school with no clothes on?

I had this nightmare multiple times last year and it stressed me out really badly. You're all going to laugh and think I'm weird. I kept having nightmares about me being late to school. I am almost never early to school (I'm doing better this year) because my sister always gets up late, which makes us get to school late. We always cut it really close to the bell and, yes, I have been late to school before.

8. Do you have any siblings?

I have a sister who's one year older than me and a brother who's six years younger than me.

9. What is your dream job?

I would love to be a writer, fashion designer, makeup artist, and/or blogger. They're so much fun and I would never have to work a day in my life.

10. Do you get things done quickly or are you a procrastinator?

I procrastinate everything, even sleep. If I'm really excited about something, I'll get started on it right away, but stop doing it the next day and rush to finish it before it's due. My whole life is just one be rush to meet deadlines.

11. Do you consider yourself happy?

Yes, I think I'm happy most of the time. I have days when I'm down or stressed, but I'm human. If people focus on the little things in life they can be happy too. 

So there are my answers. Hopefully you learned a bit more about me. 

My nominees are:
Forever Obsession (x)
Beataba (x)
Rebecca Maria (x)

I don't follow many blogs and most of the blogs I follow are big blogs. These are the ones that (I think) fit the rules. Speaking of rules....

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You much answer the questions given to you, and then come up with 11 of your own.
3. You then nominate 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers (unless you're like me and don't have that many)

Here are my questions:
1. What is your favorite memory?
2. What is your life's motto?
3. What is your biggest regret?
4. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
5. Who is someone you can't live without?
6. What would your dream house look like?
7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
8. What is your favorite food and why?
9. What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?
10. What would you do if you were famous for one day?
11. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

Also, if you would like to do this and was not nominated, then I nominate you! I would love to read your answers to these questions; please leave a link to your post so I can read it. 
This isn't a post I would usually post on my blog, so tomorrow I will write another post. Make sure you come back here tomorrow!

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

August Favorites

Hello everybody!
Wow, it seems like August just started yesterday and now it's September! Here are some things I loved during August.

1. The 100
This is a new TV show on The CW. I saw a bunch of pictures and gifs of it on Tumblr so I got really curious and decided to check it out. I finished season 1 in two or three days and I'm really excited for the next season! Here's the wiki summary:

The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth. The only known survivors are the residents of twelve space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", where about 2,400 people live. Resources are scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity are punishable by death ("floating") unless the perpetrator is under 18 years of age. After the Ark's life support systems are found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners are declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth is habitable again. The teens arrive on a beautiful planet they've only seen from space. Confronting the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. However they discover that not all humanity was wiped out. There are people on Earth who survived the world, called "grounders" by the 100. But when their past comes and haunts them and their future seems to be uncertain, they all realize that if they want to survive, they must learn to trust each other -and even love- again... (x)

You can find out more about it here (x

2. Teen Wolf
I started watching Teen Wolf last year after I found it on Tumblr (I find everything on Tumblr) and it's definitely my favorite TV show. The title makes it sound like it's only about stupid high school drama, but it's not. There are some romance and high school problems, but there's actual scary supernatural stuff that goes on too. I've been watching it every week this summer and at the end of each episode I'm always like, "What the hell just happened? I did not see that coming." And then I have to wait a whole week until the next episode. It's the worst kind of torture! The end of last week's episode almost killed me... the suspense! This week is the season finale and I CANNOT WAIT! I'm going to be so sad when the season ends though. No more Dylan O'Brien every week. Here's the wiki summary:

The series revolves around social outcast Scott McCall, a high school student living in the town of Beacon Hills. Scott's life drastically changes when he is bitten by a werewolf, becoming one himself. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day-to-day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his human best friend; Allison, his first love interest who comes from a family of werewolf hunters; Lydia, a banshee and Allison's best friend; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf with a dark past. Along the way, he encounters characters who shape him into a stronger werewolf and better person: Jackson, a bully from his high school; Malia, a were-coyote and Derek's cousin; Kira, a Japanese fox spirit and Scott's love interest; and Liam, Scott's beta and the first human he bites. Throughout the series, he strives to keep his loved ones safe while maintaining normal relationships with them. (x)

You can find out more about it here (x)

3. 5SOS Album
As you all know, I'm a huge fan of 5 Seconds of Summer. Their first album came out this year and I'm so proud of them! I literally love every single song on their album. If I had to choose, my favorite songs on the album are Long Way Home and Close As Strangers. Most of the songs on my running playlist (songs I listen to when I run) are from this album. It was easy for me to tune out the world and the pain from running while listening to their songs. If you have no idea who they are, you need to go google them or something. 

4. Grey T-shirt
I loved this grey t-shirt from H&M during the summer. I get really lazy and just threw on whatever during the summer. This was my go-to shirt. It's great for the summer since it's loose and I could pair it with any color shorts. Also, it's a light grey, so it doesn't trap heat and I could wear any color bra underneath and it wouldn't show through. I love the cute little pocket it has and the slightly rolled up sleeves.

5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Thank you Tanya Burr for recommending me this book! She raved about it in her July Favourites 2014! video (x) and the way she described the book made me want to read it really badly. I used to read all the time, but I stopped after school got harder and I got a Tumblr account (oops?). This book is absolutely amazing, definitely my favorite book ever! You can find the review I wrote with my friend here (x)

So there are my August favorites! I don't think I will do these every month, maybe every two or three months. I don't like change very much, so when I find something I like, I stick to it for a very long time.

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you soon!